Blogging and Content Writing

Bil Howard is a storyteller, which means he tells stories about your product or service rather than hammering your potential customers and clients with sales-talk and keywords. We need to be turning on their interest instead of turning it off. So, "let me tell your story."

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Fresh Content Needs to Be Relevant and Well Written

We've all seen website content which looks like it was written by either a three-year-old just learning to speak or someone from a foreign country. In the case of the latter, it often is written by someone whose native language is not English, but it might also be the product made through the use of an article spinner.

Saving time or money by using a foreign writer or spinner software for adding content to your site can turn good intentions into a disaster. For both SEO ranking and for boosting you brand, fresh content needs to be relevant and well written. 

Hire a Professional Content Writer

A professional content writer creates relevant and informative content which accomplishes several goals:

  • boosting your SEO ranking by frequently adding content.
  • adds keywords and long tail keywords into the content in a seamless manner.
  • educates and informs your clients and potential clients.
  • makes you appear more professional.

Because those elements are essential to the bottom line of your business, cutting corners to save time or money really doesn't make sense.

Well Written Content Provides a Greater ROI Potential

Let's be honest, you can save time and money by spinning your posts, by contracting them with a foreigner whose native language isn't English or by posting them to a content mill. If you're only considering your short term expenses, you'll save a buck. Well written content will provide you with a greater return on investment over the long term.

Never underestimate the power of a first impression. The content on your website, for most of your potential clients is your first impression. Make it count.

Bil Is the Best of Both Worlds

Bil is a native English speaker, storyteller and freelance writer who has plenty of experience in providing quality SEO boosting content, but because he lives in Colombia, he is able to provide high quality, well-researched and informative content at a lower rate than your typical content writer. How? It's simple, really, his overhead is significantly lower.

As a Storyteller, Bil Draws Your Clients In

One of the skills of a storyteller is to tell a story in such a way that it connects to the reader on a deeper level. There's no point in having dry, dull content, which gets the job done, but lacks any luster or pizzazz. Let Bil utilize some of the same skills that he uses for writing novels and telling stories to give your content a little more flavor.

Wrapping Up

A professional content writer is the first impression you give to a potential client, so make it a great one. Well written content with pizzazz provides greater potential for a return on investment. As a storyteller with a low overhead, tons of SEO content experience and master-level, native English skills, Bil is the right writer to boost your business and make you shine.

Contact me or check out my content writing packages and rates and "let me tell your story."